Create a world where parkour careers are everywhere
Help us create more opportunity in parkour by donating to projects and creators that inspire us
The Supporters Initiative
At Parkour Earth, we imagine a world where a thriving parkour economy exists and creators are paid equitably for their work.
We pledge to reinvest the money brought in by supporters to build a parkour economy for everyone: From athletes; to photographers; to writers alike. Whether you're simply donating £1 per month or £100, your money goes to support projects and opportunities never before possible.
How is the money used?
A library of diverse, high quality photos available for all member organisations, clear contracts, and fair pay for all.
If a photographer takes a photo of you at a jam and sells the image, we believe you should both be fairly compensated!
Parkour Earth prides itself on providing photographers with fair pay and clear, nonexclusive contracts so they can be paid equitably while retaining the ability to resell their work. We aim to build a library of these high quality images available for use for all member organisations, while ensuring both the models and photographers are paid when they're used.
Articles and Blogs
Preserve parkour knowledge and history and create new understanding.
Parkour’s history and origins can be hard to understand. We aim to create an extensive archive of parkour history to be easily referenced, as well as spread parkour knowledge, solve issues, and preserve resources.
We also aim to contribute to new perspectives and understanding of parkour by sourcing well written, evidence based articles and opinion blogs.
As part of this, your money will go to pay those who produce great articles and resources when we syndicate them on the Parkour Earth website.
We aim to encourage creativity and off the wall ideas in parkour, whatever they might be.
If you have an idea that you think will help contribute to the world of parkour, we're all ears! We believe that creative and innovative expressions of parkour are a cornerstone of what makes it incredible. Whether you have an innovative product, service event, or something else, we're excited to support your vision. We aim to begin investing in innovative projects by summer 2023.
Terms and Conditions
Of the money raised through the supporters initiative, ~12% is spent on fees associated with the transactions and the platform.
10% of money raised through the supporters initiative is invested in the Parkour Earth administrative budget. This money goes to general costs associated with Parkour Earth.
Parkour Earth therefore commits to spending 78% of raised income directly into the parkour community.
Parkour Earth may make changes to the Terms and Conditions. For instance, we may invest some of capital into rewards for our backers. We will always inform backers before making any changes to these Terms.