The PKE Badge
A worldwide community of authentic parkour communities, united by shared values.
Do you run a parkour event, business or community anywhere in the world?
The Parkour Earth Badge is for you!
It stands for an ethical, united parkour community.
Fill in a quick form, agree to the principles and you'll be entitled to display the badge at your event or website.We'll also add you to our public directory where we recognise authentic parkour events and businesses across the world.
For the full brochure, which contains our expanded agreements and terms, click here.
Click the button above to apply. If you are having any issues, you can always email us on: info@parkour.earth
Building Community
By displaying the mark, events, businesses and communities are flying the flag for the values of Parkour Earth.
Parkour is not just a sport. Wherever we look, we find parkour practitioners thinking deeper, solving problems and trying to positively influence the world around them. The Parkour Earth Badge is a community of people who are trying to make the world a little bit better, one jump at a time.
Do you run a parkour event? Apply for the Parkour Earth Badge!
Parkour jams, coached events and competitions are all entitled to apply for the Parkour Earth Badge.
In order to qualify, we ask events for the following commitments:
The event has been risk assessed and insured in line with the laws of the country you are in.
The event doesn’t discriminate based on any characteristic. (If your event targets a marginalised group, read the full terms in the booklet)
The event agrees to uphold Parkour Earth’s four key values: Diversity, Integrity, Authenticity and Audacity.
We believe events should prioritise Accessibility, Inclusivity and Equity.
Do you run a parkour business or community? Apply for the Parkour Earth Badge!
Coaching groups, clothing manufacturers, content creators and other organisations are all welcome to align themselves with Parkour Earth and its values.
In order to qualify, we ask businesses to make certain commitments:
Commitment to fair and ethical production.
Commitment to hold qualifications and protect vulnerable groups.
Content Creation:
Commitment to accurate, anti-discriminatory, responsible content.
Throughout, we think organisations should strive for Diversity, Fair pay and Ethical supply.